Before diving deep into analytics, marketers should apply common sense to think of the big picture of which analytics is but a small part. How about this measure for the ROI of analytics … “Incremental revenue from the actions recommended by the analytics project”? Immediately we see the connection between analytics, action-orientation, recommendations and business results! Read this wonderfully sane back-to-basics article.
Social media exists to build and nurture communities online. Can Facebook, with over 2 billion users, be called a community? Most people may think so. But with billions of members, the label “community” doesn’t stick. Not more than to, say the continent of Asia, comprising dozens of countries. Facebook is staring at the writing on the wall. Because its sole mission is to acquire “eyeballs” to boost ad revenues over all else. With great power comes great responsibility. Facebook, arguably the greatest accumulator of people in human history, has shirked its responsibility to society. Going forward, communities will be built around shared values and shared world-views.
At Aqumena, we are at the threshold of incubating online communities based on shared world views. It’s an idea whose time has come.
Attribution of conversions to marketing channels is a tricky challenge – if you know which channels are contributing to sales revenue then that’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! On the other hand, the path to the “macro-conversion” of sales is lined with milestones called “micro-conversions” on the way. For example, subscribing to a newsletter, creating an account, selecting products for the shopping basket are all micro-conversions that are useful signifiers of high-value visitors. Knowing which channels are most amenable to marketing attribution is a big step forward. Here’s an article that tells you more.
With Pokemon Go, augmented reality crossed a tipping point in 2016. AR broke free from Heads Up Devices (HUD) to smartphones and hugely expanded its reach. AR is rapidly moving towards the next tipping points. AR needs “hero devices” and the next big thing such devices are trying to fix is battery life. What are the other milestones to watch as AR moves more mainstream? Here’s a two-minute read to learn more.
In all polls, the top-line figures without the diagnostics are practically useless and often misleading. There were plenty of signs in the polls back in 2016 to show Donald Trump was winning. But people – and the mainstream media – ignored them. It’s like judging a firm’s health from only the stock price or a bottle of wine from its price tag. In this article from The Wall Street Journal a pollster asks discerning public to demand more from his profession
With Pokemon Go, augmented reality crossed a tipping point in 2016. AR broke free from Heads Up Devices (HUD) to smartphones and hugely expanded its reach. AR is rapidly moving towards the next tipping points. AR needs “hero devices” and the next big thing such devices are trying to fix is battery life. What are the other milestones to watch as AR moves more mainstream? Here’s a two-minute read to learn more.
Chip Bergh has over the past five years got Levi’s back on the growth path. Reading about
he did it one realises that getting a brand back on it’s feet takes a big idea and then
a lot more.